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EMD F7 913-924 w stanie spoczynku.

Autor: Gaczkowski Leszek
  • Original Artwork (One Of A Kind) Painting, Oil on Canvas
  • Dimensions Height 60cm, Width 50cm
  • Artwork's condition The artwork is in perfect condition
  • Framing This artwork is not framed
  • Olej na płótnie 60cm x 50 cm.
  • Zabezpieczony werniksem damarowym


Oil on canvas
Beginning on January 31 and continuing until February 7, 1950, EMD delivered F7 locomotive sets 913 through 921. These were delivered at a cost to the railroad of $653,408 per set. Ordered and delivered in A-B-B-A sets, B-suffix units came equipped with steam generators and were the only unit in the set so equipped. ‘A’ suffix units had a 700-gallon water tank, ‘B’ suffix units had a 1200-gallon water tank, and ‘C’ suffix units had two tanks of 500 and 1200 gallons each. ‘D’ suffix units carried no extra water capacity. The water from the ‘A’ and ‘C’ suffix units was trained to the ‘B’ suffix unit. Numbers 922 through 924 were ordered in November 1950 with delivery taking place in June 1951. By this time the price had risen to $675,533.00 for an A-B-B-A set. EMD had also changed the design somewhat with all doors now having rounded corners. Gearing on all units was the same as the FTs at 62:15. Unfortunately the F7s were not electrically compatible with the earlier FTs so never ran in multiple with them. Electrical connections and dimmer controls, as requested, were supplied on the rear of all units for backup lights to be installed by the railroad. Only the B units ever received them with the lights coming from retired steam locomotives.

Wymiary: 60.00 cm x 50.00 cm
Technika: Olej
Styl: Realizm
Temat: Transport
Materiał: płótno
Kolor: pomarańczowy
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