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Autor: Slava Fokk

(From the new series "XIX")

Since my early art school days I always loved drawing ancient objects, particularly greek and roman sculptures.
I have also been fascinated with urbanism, industrial enterprises, engines, machine tools, etc. For a long time I couldn't see how to visually combine my passion for antique and modern in a harmonious way. In summer of 2019, I decided to realize my idea by merging classical canons, eternal beauty and elegance of antiquity with crude and earthy oil factories and other modern objects. All of them were created by people, but with a gigantic gap between between them, completely different eras, often incompatible mentalities, philosophies and world views. But if we imagine that life is based on unique mathematical order, not chaos, a virtual reality in which everything in its vast possibilities is preprogrammed. If we combine these points, antiquity and urbanism, will we get a new meaning, new form, or perhaps discover a unifying nature of everything?! In my imagination those objects of different eras saw each other, fell in love and gave themselves the name XIX.

In this graphic series, I set myself the task of showing the beauty and charm of modern urbanism through the prism of beautiful antique art. It is commonly believed that graphics is the soul, the essence, and painting is the body, a beautiful decorative cover. Therefore to achieve maximum purity and sharpness of expression I decided to create this project as series of graphic works. I conceived and sketched every detail throughout 2019 and completed first drawings amid the Covid 19 pandemic. The name of the series became XIX, roman numerals for 19. Each work in the series will only have a number for its title. I have created five works so far.

Wymiary: 60.00 cm x 50.00 cm
Technika: Ołówek
Styl: Art Deco
Temat: Portret, Kobieta, Martwa natura, Architektura, Ciało
Materiał: papier
Kolor: czarny, niebieski, srebrny, błękitny, chabrowy
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